I want to update you on the current state of affairs, and what’s happening in the marketplace, and I wanted to just make this really quick. I met with a gentleman this morning, it’s like every day I meet with someone: Panera Bread, Starbucks, someplace: we get together, and we just have a cup of tea with no sugar, and we just talk about the market, networking opportunities, how we can come together, how we can collaborate, and one of the things that we were talking about this morning was what’s known as an Opportunity Zone Fund.
And essentially, there have been 8,700 Opportunity Zones across the United States that the government got together and said, “These, areas need improvement.” They got together with the governors and the mayors of cities and states, and said that these are the opportunities that we need to improve upon. And while I was talking to the gentleman, we were discussing, whether the investment criteria was going to be 5 million or 25 million It’s not time to play small. This is the year that the code is cracked.
Everyone, even you can be involved if you have the right mindset: If your mindset is on the right frequency and wavelength, and you’ve been training yourself to recognize opportunities, this is your opportunity to get involved with, something that’s huge, something that is going change your life, that can make the difference for you and your family, but you have to be in the right mindset. If your mind isn’t right, people that are of high net worth or people that are looking to create change in the world are going to recognize that you’re not on the right frequency, and that you don’t have the mindset of serving and uplifting, then they’re going to easily bump you out or discredit you from the opportunity that may be at hand.
Right now, with the government shutdown at the beginning of 2019, I guess, we going to be reopened for three weeks, so what we have to try to figure out what’s going happen with this wall and how it’s affecting the government and economy. This is a wakeup call: this is the thing that is showing you that you can no longer rely on a job, you can no longer rely on a company taking care of you. You have to begin to smartly invest your capital now. You need to know and link with people that know how to get you a return on your money. If you’re linking with the right people, the money that you’re making on your job, you can make in just passively investing with someone. So, we have some huge things coming online for common people: people that are not what we will say, when I say common, I mean, people that are not of high net worth, because prior to now, the government restricted us, by telling us that we can only connect with high net worth individuals. So, when I say common, I mean everyday folk that the government doesn’t have this long list of stipulations that the person has to meet.
You can become an investor, and before you know it, you are one time, two times, 10 times in your income, passively. This is how true wealth has been created in this country, and it’s the year that the code has been cracked with so much government regulations being undone. I’m not a politician, I’m not a political guy, I don’t rant about politics, I don’t talk about what our current president or political figures are doing: That is none of my concern, really only in that I watch legislation, and how it positively or negatively affects the businesses that I’m doing. Other than that, I’m not playing teams, I’m not playing favorite politician, I’m not playing any of that. And someone said to me “So you’re not in a political game, do you know that your ancestors died for your right to vote?” I said, “Yeah, they also died for my right to read.” I said, “Are you reading? Are you reading? Tell me last five books you’ve read, tell me the last two books you’ve read, tell me the last book that you’ve read, tell me what you’ve read in the last 90 days. And you know what I’ve gotten from that conversation? Zero. You haven’t read anything.”
But that aside, I want you to become knowledgeable and take this opportunity to invest in yourself, invest in your future, and invest in your legacy. And with that being said, this is your opportunity to be a big player!